Python Quiz 01

Do you know all the frequently used ticks in Python?

Bowen She

3 minute read

Bring out a white paper and write all the answers to the quiz on the paper. See if you can finish all of these answers.

  1. How do you create a array which contains 2 - 10 in one-liner?


    # using list comprehension
    [i for i in range(2, 11)]
    # Or
    list(range(2, 11))

  2. How do you randomly select 3 numbers from an integer array “‘A”’?

    import random
    random.sample(A, 3)

  3. How do you create a array of length 13 that for index > 4 its element is any random lowercase vowel(‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’) but for index in [0, 4], its element is the square root value of the index?

    import random
    # random.sample's return type is a list
    [i**0.5 if i < 5 else random.sample('aeiou', 1)[0] for i in range(13)]

  4. How do you you heap sort an array A? How do you add a new value into a heap? How do you pop the root value from a heap? How do you add a new number to a min heap with a fixed length?

    import heapq
    heapq.heappush(A, a)
    b = heapq.heappop(A)
    b = heapq.heappushpop(A, a)

  5. How do you find all the permutations of a string s?

    import itertools

  6. How do you combine two same-length arrays A and B as a pair array?

    zip(A, B)
    # if A and B is not same length, what's the result?

  7. Given a key “WTF” and a dictionary d, how do you find the value of the key and if the key doesn’t exist in the dict, can you return “” instead?(one-liner)

    d.get("WTF", "")

  8. How do you replace all the “is” to “si” in string “isawakiss”?

    "isawakiss".replace("is", "si")

  9. How do you replace all the vowels in a string to '_'?(regex)

    import re
    re.sub("[aeiou]", "_", s)

  10. lowercase and uppercase of the string s?

    # print the alphabet
    import string

  11. convert all the elements in string array S into the form specified in question 9, and combine the result string array into one huge string?

    ''.join([re.sub('[aeiou]', '_', s) for s in S])

  12. how do you convert base-2 binary number string to int?

    int("10001", 2)

  13. how do you find the binary expression of a 10-base number?


  14. Do you know how to do string formatting in python? For example, given a list A, can you print something like “hey, look. This is a list: ####?” “####” represents the contents in the list.

    "hey, look. This is a list: %s" % A
    "hey, look. This is a number: %d" % 23
    "hey, look. This is a string: %s" % "WTF"
    "hey, look. This is a float number: %f " % 3.14

  15. What is the output of the following program?

    names = "{1}, {2} and {0}".format('John', 'Bill', 'Sean')

    Bill, Sean and John

  16. How to print the clock time in this format “XX:XX:XX” given the total seconds s? (one-liner)

    "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(secs // 3600, *divmod(secs % 3600, 60))
    # print the clock time
    import time
    time.strttime('%H : %M : %S')
    time.strttime('%I : %M : %S %p')

  17. What is the built-in functions to convert between ASCII numbers and characters?


  18. How do you determine if a character is a digit or not, is a letter or not?


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